Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Senior show, flooding roads, and first time home buyers

So this is a few days later than my normal Monday posts but hey I've been busy! I'm trying to finish my pieces for my senior show.  I am pretty sure I am going to be a basket case by the time the 2nd gets here! I love design but this semester has been a stressful one.  This week itself has been one of the hardest I have had in a while.  I really feel like I am on the brink of a nervous breakdown.  The extra stress will go away in a few days, when I complete my show and I hope that will help level me back out but we will see lol
So yesterday we had a record amount of rainfall where I live.  It rained over 6 inches in 5 hours.  I couldn't even make it home because my road was flooded. I was more scared then I have ever been through storms.  I've been through quite a few hurricanes but we live so far inland that they really dont give us anything but some rain and wind.  Yesterday had me stressing though.  We were under tornado warnings all day and the rain just wouldn't stop.  I hate when we have bad weather.  It worries me because of my kids.  I stress of Benjamin's asthma...what if he has an attack and the power is out? or the roads are flooded and I can't take him to the hospital? Luckily I have a wonderful friend who let my kids and I stay at her house last night since we couldn't make it home.  My town is still trying to recover from all the flash flooding but it could have been worse. 
So with the stress of school and bad weather, to add to my normal everyday chaos, we have been faced with another challenge.  We bought our house three years ago.  It was the first time we ever bought a house and we didn't really know what we were doing.  Well the realtor saw us coming a mile away.  We loved our house.  It was a decent size and all the rooms were already painted a different color. (that won me over being an artist I am always excited to see color and not just bland white or beige walls) So we bought the house.  Well now we find out that only having lived here for 3 years we will have to have it re-leveled.  We never even knew that was a possibility.  It is a pier and beam house but the thought of not staying level never crossed our minds.  Now we are trying to move and we are faced with the decision of leveling it now and staying here a few more years or trying to sell it and take a hit.  I'm ready to move but we have to do what is best financially.  To level it will cost $5000.  Thats a lot of money.  :( So we have a lot to consider.  No one ever tells you that being an adult is so stressful lol So my words of wisdom for this week is DO YOUR RESEARCH before you buy anything.  And if anyone has words of wisdom for me on  how to handle all this stress without snapping feel free to tell me! Because you can only bend so much before you break. So everyone have a good rest of the week.

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