Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A little behind

Well its been a while since I have talked to ya'll last! My senior show was a huge success! I have never in my life experienced something like that.  I worked so hard and was so stressed.  I was a nervous wreck the night of the opening. I bought a new dress and went to the show.  To my surprise there was a ton of people there! I had seen my work hung up in the gallery already (I put it there) but it was just surreal seeing people looking at my work.  The benefit of never really talking to people at school really showed through.  I was able to stand close to my stuff and hear people's honest opinion because they didn't know it was my work. :) I walked up on people taking photographs of my exhibit.  I was so amazed that someone (other than my family) liked my work! My teachers complimented me repeatedly and that in itself made me feel good.  I have less than a month before I graduate.  I wasn't sure if I was ready but now I feel like I am.  I know that I have a lot to learn still and I'm excited to continue.  I am excited to make the next step in my life.  Soon I will be out in the world trying to get a job. I pray that I can find one that will put my degree to use.  So wish me luck :) Hopefully I will have a good update for you all soon :)

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